Blue Diamond Ball
Wheelchair Handover
Following on from my first books release in 2012, ‘The Will to Live, The Courage to Die’, in May 2013 I teamed up with my local Rotary Club to put on a spectacular night in aid of raising funds for the purchase of new high-tech chin-controlled wheelchairs for Sydney's Royal North Shore Hospital.
The event was hosted at Doltone House, by Sydney Harbour and attended by the Minister for Disability Services, The Hon. Andrew Constance, and a variety of local MPs and dignitaries.
A whopping $128,000 was raised on the evening, a result that exceeded everyone’s expectations! So, on the back of this highly successful ball in September of that same year I was able to officially hand over 7 brand new wheelchairs with dedications to Pete on each and officially kicked off an ongoing wheelchair maintenance program for Sydney’s Royal North Hospital.
The event was conducted in the foyer of the new hospital in the presence of the Member for Lane Cove, The Hon. Anthony Roberts MP, and members for Drummoyne, Mr John Sidoti MP who were both representing the NSW Government.